Hello wonderful bloggers. I owe each and every one of you a sincere apology for going AWOL this past month. I've had so much to do you wouldn't believe, so have been chained to my desk for what seems like forever. University interviews have started so i've been trying to get my portfolio looking good, and as any of you art students out there will know- it is very stressful! However, it's my Birthday on the 19th so i'm looking forward to that. Roll on Summer when all of this is over.
I'm feeling very detached from the blogging world as i've not blogged in over a month, and haven't had time to read my favourite blogs. I'm going to make sure I put aside some this this week to have a big catch up and will put up some photographs to show you guys what i've been up to. I'll try my best to sqeeze in a cheeky outfit post too.
Hope you're all doing well and aren't as stressed out as me! Speak to you soon, Chloe x